Monday, April 6, 2009

Inspiring Weekend...

A great weekend with inspiring messages from our apostles and prophet. It seemed building faith and the importance of the temple were highlights for me. It was great to learn that the new apostle Elder Anderson was my neice's husbands mission president!
" I'm trying to be like Jesus" this also was spoken of: The love, kindness and example our Savior is for us all.

It's always great to hear the spoken word, hear the beautiful music that continually helps build testimony and realize all we have here to help us on our way back to our Father in Heaven... the gift of the be able to step outside and take a glimpse of His love through the creation is just one of many things I'm thankful for today.

1 comment:

Wyatts said...

Hey mom my computer is down right now so I won't be checking in that often. Using Pandys right now.