Is this the cutest? Carder opening a gift, Kamrielle observing with their new puppy, cradling as if it's her baby! Precious.........
My daughter helping her nephew with his gifts, reading cards and sharing her love and her home with us all....
OH my! Big trucks to play with in the dirt. I know he's thinking "can't wait"!
Grandpa who cares so much for and about his kids and grandkids!
Love to watch the whole thing! The blowing out of candles, mommy preparing a cake so he can go thru this sweet, happy, smile provoking time! We all had our mouths blowing to help him do this for the first time...
A loving daughter with her children and her delicious cake she made...makes me smile..thru some happy tears...
I had to throw this one in!!! My mountain man husband preparing for his "arrow of light" ceremony he does for cub scouts... Makes me smile and very proud of him working so hard to make it all so nice for his cubs! Smiling is what makes us happy, I am so glad that I have so much more to smile about in this life than not! So I will keep on smiling...and finding more new things in life that will put a smile on my face and stop for a second and realize the joy!